
For Supporters and Sponsors​

ViviCircle app on smartphone

Support a person in recovery

Social connection is one of the most important, evidence-based ways that people sustain their recovery. The ViviCircle mobile app keeps you in the loop with the person-in-recovery. It delivers insight into their well-being, engagement and sleep, and lets you know when they may need an encouraging text or call. 

The ViviCircle app makes you an active ally in their recovery journey, enabling supportive accountability like compliance check-ins and intentional conversations that help catalyze their recovery.

Illustration of group of friends together

Stay in touch with someone in recovery

Have real conversations with your sponsoree about their recovery.

Illustration of text bubble alert

Receive alerts and send reminders

Get alerts and insights to help you know when to check in and motivate the person you support.

Illustration of app on smartphone

Provide accountability and attention

Give them someone to report to and lean on for advice and support.